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Think Sobriety Sucks? Addiction Is Worse

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It is natural to think that by quitting drinking, these problems will finally go away. Get the latest information on addiction treatment and recovery. I’m left with a lot of sadness which meditation and MBSR doesn’t seem to address and which alcohol at least masked for me. I’m not going back to drinking but am looking for ideas on how to move forward. Yes, asking for help was already listed, but it is so important that it is worth repeating. Getting through recovery’s ups and downs requires you to do more than just occasionally show up and interact with people who may be able to support you.

sobriety sucks

Creative Tips For Tackling Tough Alcohol Cravings

  • Remember how family and friends wouldn’t return calls or didn’t trust to leave you alone.
  • It screws with our ability to make sound decisions, leading to risky and often embarrassing behavior.
  • So long as you don’t drink, you’re still headed in the right direction.
  • If I still feel these horrible things in sobriety, something is wrong with ME.

Because the thing is, we don’t actually know. Those were the days I’d make it to the gym and think that things would turn out okay after all. Every day, I felt sad, unmotivated, lost, and unworthy. I’m a stubborn, recovering know-it-all, which means I don’t like asking for help.

  • How many people told you addiction treatment was worth it?
  • When you’re feeling down, seek out support from friends and family to help keep you sane and from slipping into old behaviors.
  • Even if you are making one small choice to improve how you feel each day, like working out more or eating better, track it.
  • I have since learned I am not alone in experiencing this phenomenon.
  • What a waste of my perfectly good perpetual horniness.
  • But I’m also going to say something else that might not be what other people in recovery want to put out there, but what I have found in my experience to be completely true.

Staying Sober When Life Sucks

My past relapses were largely fueled by sobriety’s inability to solve my problems for me. Instead of reaching out for help, giving AA a shot, or opening up to friends and family, I tried to Google my way to emotional stability. It’s hard to face that stuff when you’re newly sober and it has hurled a lot of strong, well-intending people back into relapse.

  • When I’m under high levels of stress, my mind still craves numbing.
  • Then you woke up the next day, and the memories came flooding back.
  • As someone who genuinely enjoys the flavor of beer, there’s something quite soothing about holding the bottle and tasting something so similar.
  • I’m left with a lot of sadness which meditation and MBSR doesn’t seem to address and which alcohol at least masked for me.
  • New Life House has helped young men stay sober for over 35 years.
  • Sobriety forces you to rewrite your personal history.
  • I mean, now I have to be considerate and show at least a minimum level of compassion to foster a thriving relationship.

The Downside of Sobriety: The 6 Things No One Tells You Might Happen If You Quit Drinking

I have amazing relationships, I have a life with meaning, I have an active spiritual life. The juice is completely worth the squeeze. You’ll reach a point where you accept that there are some difficulties ahead of you, but you’re not afraid of them. You don’t feel defined by = your past as strongly.

When Sobriety Sucks

  • Take advantage of the therapy you receive, the coping skills you learn, and the aftercare plan you create.
  • Instead of reaching out for help, giving AA a shot, or opening up to friends and family, I tried to Google my way to emotional stability.
  • The point is to find activities to fill the time and help you become a better person.
  • I just told my wife what to think and when to think it.

New Life House has helped young men stay sober for over 35 years. We came from very humble beginnings, and would love to tell you our story of success and recovery. And absolutely, sobriety is a lot of work. But the result of that work is miraculous.

sobriety sucks

When it seems like all you want to do is forget, to go get high or drunk and be gone, if only for a few moments, remember what addiction’s cost you. Remember what life was like when every moment was chaos and unmanageable. Remember how family and friends wouldn’t return what is alcoholism calls or didn’t trust to leave you alone. And you’ll remember what you’ve got to fight for.

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Sometimes those behaviors sound much more attractive than dealing with my being sober sucks harsh reality of anxiety and depression and grieving and self-hate and not enough-ness. Perhaps not remembering what you did, waking up in jail or another strange place, or finding your well-being compromised. They can feel overwhelming and like they will never end. I know, I know, this website is called “Recovery Connection” and it is designed to encourage those who are suffering the slings and arrows of addiction to get help.

We usually start drinking alcoholically because we are trying to hide from something. It will instantly solve the problem of crippling hangovers, alcohol-induced anxiety spikes, and regrettable calls or texts made five drinks into your evening. It screws with our ability to make sound decisions, leading to risky and often embarrassing behavior.

sobriety sucks

How To Find Sober Friends (When You Don’t Know Where To Start)

sobriety sucks

It is also an educational tool for addiction professionals and those in recovery, and I am here to tell you I had some unexpected lessons to learn when I became sober. And that’s the reality of sobriety. You still have your “shit” to deal with, and maybe that never ends because, well, life. I’m no longer a self-absorbed, sad woman drinking herself into oblivion every night. One of the most difficult lessons of sobriety, especially for the stubborn among us, is that you probably can’t do it alone. Maybe sobriety reveals that you’ve been a shitty daughter, spouse, or mother, and there’s damage you don’t know how to fix.

Designed to give you inspiration, hope and strength to live your best life. When I drank, I used to have guaranteed periods of relief from stress and worries and a little alcoholic joy. I know it was a false joy, and a false euphoria but I still miss it. Join Recovery Connection in celebrating your recovery with our sobriety calculator.

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